Wednesday, June 3, 2009


An Indian friend of mine shared an interesting experience with me the other day. He traveled home last week to see his family and attend his cousin's wedding.

My friend is a Christian. He was raised Hindu. God stopped him in his tracks in his many years ago when his cousin (this one getting married) offered to pray for him one night. It blew him away. Pray, sure that's fine, but to me? He thought. There was no idol, there were no mantras. Just a plea to "Jesus" to help him.

That prayer set off a wildfire and the next years were spent learning about this Jesus. He took classes and read the Bible. One day God spoke to him in the night. As clear as a bell. He gave his life to Jesus.

So back to this trip home. His cousin is getting married a second time. Evidently there was a falling out with his first wife and they separated without a legal divorce. She ran off somewhere. This new wife is Hindu. The cousin who first led him to Christ seemed to be a little off the path.

The wedding was very strange for my friend to observe. It was presided over by several Christian pastors, but because the bride's family is Hindu, there were many Hindu rituals allowed to take place. The Word was not spoken.

After the wedding ceremony, the couple, the pastors, and the guests were all in some room - I don't quite know. My friend could not keep quiet and he stood up and shared from the Word. He called out the pastors who approved of his cousin marrying a Hindu woman, who said not a word about his previous marriage still legally unsettled.

His cousin was in tears. The pastors were convicted. All thought he was a pastor himself. No, just a follower of Jesus. It doesn't take a title to read the Bible and to know the Truth.

I was blown away by his conviction and his boldness. How many times have I felt the urge to stand up in my own circumstances and call out those around me? How many times have I kept quiet when lies ran rampant.

This was convicting to me. I hope it's a challenge to you.

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