Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Indi-update from Samuel

Dear friends,

It has been a long time since I've shared about the happenings of my friend Samuel, and perhaps even longer since I've shared my own with many of you. So here goes.
Most of you probably have heard me talk about my experience in India. And most of those most of you have heard me talk about my friend Samuel. For those who haven't, or for those of you who have terrible recollections like I do - an introduction:

Samuel is an Indian man who is following God by serving the poor in 7 remote villages in the foothills of the Himalayas. He does this by providing medicine and health education to people with little access to medical services. In everything he does, he shares hope - real, meaningful, tangible hope - in his genuine compassion for the people he serves and the message of peace, healing and salvation of the Lord he loves.
Jesus changed his heart many years ago and for over 10 years now he and his family are committed to the ministry God has called them to. Without any apparent source of support, he believed, as he so often tells me, that God will provide. And God always has. Through relationships and sometimes miraculous circumstances, Samuel has seen God's faithfulness firsthand, and the ministry that began with nothing now is a significant blessing to the communities he serves.

This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Samuel, his wife, his two sons, and daughter (along with several from his local church community) will be sharing the gospel with over 100 children in their annual Vacation Bible School. Kids from all 7 villages (45-min to 2-hrs journey by foot) will gather on land that God miraculously entrusted Samuel, to hear about the love of the Savior. There will be songs, dances, stories, crafts, games, meals, and prayer. From my personal experience volunteering in this important event in 2009, God is certainly glorified.
Will you join me in prayer these next few days for every need to be met, hearts to be changed, and God's name to be lifted high in all this? The following is a brief list of things Samuel has personally asked me to pray for:
  • For clear skies and good weather
  • For all the volunteers to be ready to share their love of God with the kids they'll spend time with
  • For the devil to be completely powerless in messing things up
  • For God's word to be clear and powerful
  • For support to come to be able to pay every bill
Please pray. God hears us when we pray and he is moved when our hearts our stirred by the things of his own heart.

If God moves in your heart to give, please, please listen. Then get in touch with me. Just today, Samuel told me that he didn't have enough funds to pay for a large tent he sometimes rents for big events like this. When he told the tent-walla, the man reduced the price from about $200 to just over $100. When Samuel called me about this, I told him not to worry and to rent the tent. When he sends the bill, Samuel will have the money. I know God will provide. I know because he always does.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for setting aside a moment to pray for my friend and for the gospel in those mountains.

Jai Masih ki (Victory to Christ),
